Bradbury’s Warning
Ray Bradbury’s short stories, “The Veldt” and “There will Come Soft Rains” serve as warnings to mankind about the dangers of technology. In “the Veldt”, Bradbury describes a horror story where a family’s overreliance on technology leads to the destruction of family bonds. The Hadley family lives in a house that has a machine for everything from tying their shoes to soothing their mental distress. The children in particular become so over reliant on the house’s technology for care that it replaces their parents, who the house eventually kills.
This warning is more relevant today than when the story was written in the 1950s. Children are exposed to technology at a younger age than any generation before, giving them access to a world of information in seconds. However, too much time spent on this technology can be detrimental. Parents today must not make the same mistakes that the Hadley parents did in the Veldt. By limiting the time children have on technology, like phones and computers, over dependence can be avoided. Although the technology described in Bradbury’s stories is out of reach now, there is a possibility that, in the future, machines will be able to perform everyday household tasks. This is why it is important that we heed Bradbury’s warnings, and use technology with discipline.